Digicode - Web Solutions


There are so many questions presented for an individual or a company trying to publish on the web it can often be very confusing. Questions like what kind of technologies are available and which ones are going to last? Who will be veiwing the contents of your site and how will they be veiwing it? And of course can it be done within a reasonable budget.

For many smaller companies, and especially individuals, the budget is often an important issue. Many of the larger web solution providers are not cheap. This is our main focus: to offer solid solutions within your means.

Another issue: As the browser wars continue and new platforms come out (such as a variety of mobile devices) it can cause one to wonder how veiwable a site is going to be depending on which "brand" is being used by your audience

Our answer to this problem is to offer web solutions that are standards compliant. Some examples of this are:

  • HTML 4 and 5 compliant design practices for the front end.
  • Server-side development in dependable and universal languages such as PHP using mySQL databases on the back end.
  • Multi-platform layouts to ensure that your site is as visible on a mobile device as it is on your desktop, regardless of the browser you are using.
  • CMS sites using Drupal (a widely supported and well developed system) and custom 'Micro CMS' implementaions using PHP.

For a list of our clients, please click here.